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Non-COB Undergraduate Faculty-Led Programs


Interested in programs offered by departments across campus? Click here for a full list of faculty-led programs offered at Appalachian State University.

COB Faculty-Led Programs


The 2014-2015 Undergraduate Faculty-Led Programs are still in the process of planning and approval so, check back at for the full listing.


As of right now, there are tentative plans for undergraduate programs in Guyana, Ecuador, Malawi, Brazil, Costa Rica and France, but there will be other options as well.

Is the Cuba program not what you are looking for? The Walker College of Business offers a variety of faculty-led programs each academic year. Here are other upcoming programs that might suit your interests. 

Other Programs

Full Semester Abroad


Want to take the next step and spend a full semester or year abroad? For the same cost as ASU tuition, you can study in one of twenty-five different countries around the globe. Most programs offer business in English, so language skills don't have to hold you back. Click here for a full list of ASU exchange programs.



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